Home Infusion Nursing Services in
New York, New Jersey, Connecticut
and Pennsylvania
Founded in 2002, Critical HealthCare Registered Nursing Services was conceived and developed by two critical care registered nurses.
Their motivation and conceptual design focused on the need to improve
the quality of highly technical nursing services beyond the traditional hospital environment.
As a national nursing agency, Critical HealthCare is currently servicing approximately 850 patient visits per month. The agency has contracts with over 36 National Specialty Pharmacies across the country including CVS/Caremark, Walgreens and Aetna, with 80 nurses on staff in 6 states.


Robert Loretz is Co-Founder, Administrator, President and CEO of
Critical Healthcare Registered Nursing
Services, a New York State Licensed
Department of Health High-Tech
Infusion agency providing professional
registered nursing services to patients
along the east coast region of the U.S.
Robert, both a dedicated family man
and entrepreneur, has always managed
to find inspiration throughout his life.
As a critical care nurse, he is 100%
dedicated to his patients; both their
physical and emotional needs, as well as
their overall well being, to provide the
utmost in quality patient care. His desire
to give-back gives him the strength and energy he needs to care for those who require even the most advanced medical treatment. Robert believes that his immersion in critical care nursing allows him to give to others the type of compassionate encouragement and support that he himself has received during his own life’s journey.
At the young age of 30, Robert had a life-altering experience when he contracted Hepatitis A as a result of eating tainted shell-fish. Spending 55 days in Isolation, he understood the significance of faith and perseverance. During his two yearlong recovery period, he also realized the importance of the support he received from his friends and family. But it was ultimately the role his healthcare providers played in the healing process. Robert says, “It is a lesson I took to heart, and one I drew upon when I decided my path for the future. I really believe that no man is an island and we are obligated to give back our talent and skills as a service to the community.”
Join our Critical-Healthcare team
Nursing Careers

Monika Skula is Co-founder and
Vice President of Critical HealthCare
Registered Nursing Services. She also
serves as Director of Patient Services.
Monika received her nursing degree in the
year 2000 and immediately obtained her
critical care certification and initial
experience from Stony Brook University
Hospital in Stony Brook, New York. She went
on to expand her knowledge and skill-set
from her work as an Independent Contractor
at hospitals across eastern Long Island,
New York as well as offering intravenous
therapy treatment for patients contracted
through specialty pharmacies across the
country. Her experience also includes her
work as an RN of Interventional Radiology at
St. Catherine’s of Siena Medical Center in Smithtown, NY. Monika is active within the field of nursing with memberships to the American Nurses Association, the International Nurses Association, and the Intravenous Nurses Society.
Monika’s vision to open a national nursing agency specializing in high-tech infusion therapy allowed her to fulfill a dream of making an impact within the nursing community by improving the quality of life for every patient they treat. According to Monika, “the “care” in healthcare too often only includes the application of medical technologies and treatments. We sometimes overlook the importance of compassion and education needed for the patients’ healing process.” Monika believes there is HOPE for every person suffering with the challenges of illness and disease. She often draws upon an experience that occurred early on in her nursing career when she was caring for a two year old child with PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders). Upon first meeting this very ill young patient, Monika’s initial thought was that the child was beyond help. As the child’s treatment progressed, she witnessed first-hand the child’s remarkable progress, both medically and socially. “It made me realize that every situation, even those that seem hopeless, does in fact have hope.” Nursing is both a career and a passion for Monika and as the owner of a national nursing agency; she continues to seek the knowledge needed to provide the best care for all of her patients.
Virginia Hendersen, the first lady of nursing, once said, “Nursing is rooted from the needs of humanity and is founded on the ideal of service. The nurse is temporarily the consciousness of the unconscious, the love of life for the suicidal, the leg of the amputee, the eyes of the newly blind, a means of locomotion for the infant, knowledge and confidence for the mother and the mouthpiece for those too weak or withdrawn to speak. The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick, and well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to peaceful death) that he or she would perform unaided if he or she had the necessary strength, will or knowledge and to do this in such a way as to help patients gain independence as rapidly as possible.” Each and every day, these are words Monika tries to live by, both in the care of her patients as well as the mission on which she built the Agency.